Well i hope that i dont fall in love with you
Cause falling in love just makes me blue
Where the music plays a new display of hard for me to see
I had a beer and now i hear you calling out for me
And i hope that i dont fall in love with you
Now the night does funny things inside a man
These old tom cat feelings you dont understand
I turn around a look at you you light a cigarette
I wish i had the guts to bum one but we've never met
And i hope that i dont fall in love with you
I can see that you are lonesome just like me
And it being late you'd like some company well i've had two i look
At you and you look back
At me the guy you're with is up
And split that chair next to you is free
And i hope that you dont fall in love with me
Now it's closing time
The music's fadding out
Last call for drinks
I have another staff
I turn around and look at you
You're no where to be found
I search the place for your lost face
And have another round
And i think that i just fell in love with you
Marc Cohn, I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love With You
Cause falling in love just makes me blue
Where the music plays a new display of hard for me to see
I had a beer and now i hear you calling out for me
And i hope that i dont fall in love with you
Now the night does funny things inside a man
These old tom cat feelings you dont understand
I turn around a look at you you light a cigarette
I wish i had the guts to bum one but we've never met
And i hope that i dont fall in love with you
I can see that you are lonesome just like me
And it being late you'd like some company well i've had two i look
At you and you look back
At me the guy you're with is up
And split that chair next to you is free
And i hope that you dont fall in love with me
Now it's closing time
The music's fadding out
Last call for drinks
I have another staff
I turn around and look at you
You're no where to be found
I search the place for your lost face
And have another round
And i think that i just fell in love with you
Marc Cohn, I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love With You
Já ouviste esta música com a versão do Tom Waits?
Já chorei imenso ao ouvi-la... E sim, não resultou esperar não me apaixonar por ele...
Adorei visitar o teu blog.
Um abraço
gostava de ser capaz de chorar ao ouvir esta música, mas sinceramente não consigo. Talvez por falta de sensibilidade.
Mas tu com choro ou sem choro, com cerveja ou sem cerveja, com cigarro ou sem cigarro, ainda acabas por cair de amor, verde, azul, encarnada, não interessa.
ai, ai, ai, amor...
obrigada, Ana!
não conheço a versão do Tom Waits..mas vou procurar.
sem choro, sem cerveja e sem cigarro.. ;).. para mim, "cair de amor" é sempre bom, independentemente da cor ;) - mas prefiro o azul! lol
..e se cair e alguém me apanhar, a queda é doce; se cair e não tiver ninguém, logo me levanto! ;)
ai, ai, ai...anónimo...suspira mais perto ;)
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